Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance Launched
Tauranga ratepayers have come together to form a City-wide voice to champion a better deal and more transparency for Tauranga ratepayers. The Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance launches today.
We are a combined initiative of local residents, chairs and former chairs of Ratepayers’ Associations, civic leaders, and local members of the Taxpayers’ Union, who have formed the new Ratepayers’ Alliance in response to the appointment of unelected commissioners in place of elected councillors.
Ratepayers’ Alliance spokesperson Dawn Kiddie says, “There is growing discontent with decisions taken by Commissioners that ratepayers feel they have no control over, such as increasing staff salaries from $66 million to $80 million next year. The Ratepayers’ Alliance will stand up against Tauranga City Council’s wasteful spending, poor financial management, and the unprecedented rates increase.”
New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Co-founder Jordan Williams says, “Over the last few months the Taxpayers' Union has been approached by numerous local Tauranga supporters calling for a dedicated voice for fiscal prudence, and transparency. Without recourse to elections to kick the decision-makers out, a strong voice for ratepayers is more important than ever.”
If you are a Tauranga resident or ratepayer, you are encouraged to join for free at www.taurangaratepayers.nz, or at the launch event on Wednesday 26 May at Club Mount Maunganui from 5.30pm, with keynote speaker Simon Bridges and MC Peter Williams.
“Nanaia Mahuta and Anne Tolly have an expensive and unconstrained spending agenda for Tauranga. We need to take back control of our city – with numbers, a strong voice, and organisation,” says Kim Williams, a member of the Steering Group.
Who is behind the Ratepayers’ Alliance?
The Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance is a joint initiative of local residents, chairs and former chairs of ratepayers associations, civic leaders, and local members of the Taxpayers’ Union. The current Steering Group consists of: Keith Allum, Philip Brown, Greg Brownless, Kelvin Clout, Matthew Gill, Andrew Hollis, Dawn Kiddie, Ron Melville, Steve Morris, Michael O’Neil, Carolynne Shaw, Ben Sokimi, Kim Williams, Jan Wilson.
What are the objectives of the Ratepayers’ Alliance?
We stand for reasonable rates, sensible spending, and more transparency. We want to ensure that notwithstanding the lack of elected council officials, the Commissioners are accountable to local residents and ratepayers.
Who funds the Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance?
This initiative is being funded by crowd funding. Like the Taxpayers’ Union, and Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance, the vast majority of funding is likely to come from small dollar donations. The Taxpayers’ Union is providing much of the seed funding for this new Tauranga initiative.
Who can join?
Membership is free and open to all Tauranga residents and ratepayers who share the Ratepayers’ Alliance’s vision of a prosperous and affordable Tauranga with transparent and accountable City Council.
How can residents and ratepayers become involved?
The best way to join and/or volunteer is via our website: www.taurangaratepayers.nz
What’s your message to Anne Tolley?
Commissioners may be unelected, but they cannot be unaccountable. Commissioners are appointed to serve us – the residents and ratepayers who pay for Tauranga City Council. Our role is to shine the light on the Council and decisions being made on our behalf.